Sunday, 26 February 2017

Performing Physics Projects for Class 12

Performing Physics Projects for Class 12

Investigatory projects are meant to be a pleasure-cum-work-cum-knowledge gathering exercise . It is a type of experimental exercise performed with a scientific attitude by the students
1. Selection of topic: For selection of the topic for the project, you work and read different chapters of your syllabus and also consults scientific literature, magazines, newspapers, go and use google, etc. Then select the topic of your interest. You must also consult the teacher for this and choose the topic accordingly
2. Planning of the project:
Collect all possibly available information about the topic of the project. Do some research on the project subject. Try to find out every detail about the subject.Jot down the things that you require in order to create your project.Prepare a rough outline of the experimental work of the project.Figure out methods of presenting it by discussing it with your family or your classmates.
3. Experimentation for the project:
Plan and conduct the experimental work with precision so that you are sure to get correct results. Following points should be kept in mind while performing the experiments for the project work.
  1. Prepare the apparatus with care
  2. Collect data with honesty and utmost care. Record only your observations and data.
  3. Repeat the experiment several times and take average of the results of all the experiments.
  4. Compare your results with those available in the reference books.
  5. Discuss your results in the light of available information about the project and draw out meaningful conclusion.
  6. Make use of histograms, graphs, photographs, diagrams or models to support your observations and conclusions.

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