Operator Precedence
Just as we follow a set of rules in our daily life, similarly in Maths, we also do have rules to keep the mathematical computations in proper order to get accurate answers.
The first important rule before learning Maths, is to master the Order of Precedence.
Order of Precedence is the priority level of the elementary mathematical operators +, -, / , x and ().
They are used in a certain pre-determined order.
Order of Precedence:
1st priority: Brackets ( )
2nd Priority: Multiply "´" or Divide "/"
3rd priority: Add "+" or Subtract "-"
For example. (a) 3 + 4 ´ 2
Based on the Order of Precedence, we need to perform the operation "x" first. Why?
We need to know the exact meaning of the maths operator "´".
In a x 3, we mean it to be a + a + a , that is, to add "a" 3 times.
Therefore it can be re-written 3 + 4 + 4 since ONLY 4 is ´ 2, which is 4 + 4.
If we do addition "+" first, followed by ´ 2, Example1 becomes 3 + 4 + 3 + 4 (which is wrong!).
The correct answer: 3 + 4 ´ 2 = 3 + 8 = 11
Very good