A Noun is a word used to name a person, animal, thing and place. There are five kinds of noun in English.
1) Common Noun
2) Proper Noun
3) Abstract Noun
4) Collective Noun
5) Material Noun
1. Common Noun is a name which is given in common to everyone (person, thing, animal…..). Example: Teacher, doctor, dog, cat, house, man, student, chair…
2,Proper Noun is a name of particular thing, person, animal and place. Proper noun is always written with a capital letter at the beginning of the word.
Example:India, Tom, New York, Rakesh, Monday.
3.Abstract Noun is the name of idea, quality and action that is the name of something we can’t touch, see, smell and taste.
Advice, strength, wish., Goodness, kindness, darkness, laughter, childhood, wisdom, honesty
4.Collective Noun is a name of number or collection of person, thing and animal taken together and spoken as a whole.
Example:Army, committee, family, nation, association, community, herd, pile, bunch etc.,
5.Material Noun is the name of particular object.
Example: Chair, table, car, book, pen, house, radio…
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